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Gary Stoner, OB/GYN

2:00 - 3:00 PM

The Face of Addiction: Let's Listen to the Patient

Since 1994, Dr. Gary Stoner has been an OB/GYN physician at Geisinger Medical Center. 

Learning Objectives

1. Appreciate the mindset of a pregnant person with substance use disorder.

2. Recognize that language matters and that judgmental attitudes by health care providers result in fear and stigma which are significant barriers to care.

3. Know that successful management for recovery requires involving the patient’s input into their plan of care.

4. Be mindful that behind every statistic that defines and quantifies this crisis, stands a human being who represents the face of addiction.

Biography continued...

Dr. Stoner is the Director of the Women’s Health Opioid Use Disorder Program.  He obtained his Buprenorphine waiver in 2014 and his sole focus of practice is the treatment and management of pregnant patients with OUD. He lectures widely on the topic of stigma and considers it the rate limiting step towards successful recovery.

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